Friday, May 8, 2009

Landing the 1-34

I flew the 1-34 at our training night Wednesday. The sky was overcast but we were able to get a 2000 foot tow. No lift at all, but also no wind. I took the opportunity to practice my landings in the 1-34.

It's not what I would call a tricky airplane to land, but it is a little different from the 1-26 and 2-33. Both times I noticed that just as you flare that the airspeed drops off as you have the spoilers open. I can see why I was told that most damage to this plane comes from people who drop it in on a hard landing.

It's sort of like...I'm on target, airspeed good...I'm on target, airspeed good...flare, whoa! slowing down below 40 knots...touchdown! Balancing that effect in gusty conditions could lead to a belly flop, I'll bet.

In any case, I managed my two landings without much trouble and all went well. I'm still impressed with how far this plane will go when entering the pattern at the proper altitude. You pretty much have to tell it to GET DOWN. Good stuff.

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